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  • Unknown author (2018-02-05)
  • Unknown author (2018-03-05)
  • Unknown author (2018-05-15)
  • Provost, Thomas (2013-06-11)
    Atlas of Epic Proportions contains drawings for eight multi-scaled enigmatic traces of humanity created during the Anthropocene era.
  • Richardson, Laura (2017-06-07)
    The present study examined the degree to which the self and other models of attachment and object relations can predict somatization, overall physical health and healthcare utilization in a primary care sample of men and ...
  • Welch, Evan (2013-06-11)
    The relationship between land and water has always been one of interest and importance to us; the allure of the serene and harmonious visual connection is paralleled by its natural production capabilities. The shorelines ...
  • Weeks, Maurice (2023-04-14)
    Modern monetary theory is a growing economic field of study which challenges the normal understanding of how deficits work. This paper explores how the concept of Modern Monetary Theory links with Automatic Stabilizers. ...
  • Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) (2015-08-20)
  • Wansten, Jamie (2012-05-17)
    When asked "What are the essential items you cannot live without?"many people would name their I-pods, computers, or their car. For many, the four essential items that every human needs in order to live; air, food, water, ...
  • Gifford, Sarah (2022-01-06)
    The COVID-19 pandemic has created many unique challenges for frontline nurses including psychological distress, trauma, and uncertainty. COVID-19 has also created equally challenging situations for healthcare systems as ...
  • Hoffman, Katherine (2015-05-11)
    This thesis examines the concept of mentally ill individuals as historically marginalized “Others” in our society. The examination begins in the 19th century and traces primary sources of mentally ill artists and writers’ ...
  • Ledesma, Enrique (2017-06-06)
    Like all great films, architecture has the capacity to tell stories. Stories which ask us to move both physically and psychologically in a orchestrated film composed and directed by the architect. This implies an important ...
  • Jones, Donzetta; Krystyniak, J. Paul; Bihun, Matthew (2017-10-27)
    This Capstone Project proposes a strategy for reopening Belle Isle Aquarium with the goal of creating both an economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable facility and public space, Belle Isle.
  • Bingham, Allison Quinn (2015-01-22)
    Experience is actual participation in something or the direct contact with something. The architecture and landscape around us creates an experience in our everyday life. We have an interaction with architecture or ...
  • Da Via, Carrie (2012-05-17)
    What does it mean to be human? People are truly incredible creatures, capable of learning, communicating, growing, healing, designing, and most basically and beautifully, living. According to Martin Heidegger, the human’s ...
  • Mohammad, Hanen (2023-05-10)
    This thesis explores the living conditions in “temporary” settlements established in response to the Syrian conflict. Specifically, the study will focus on three camps to better understand the challenges and opportunities in ...
  • Campbell, Dakota (2023-04-27)
    Using the post-positivist and perceptual frameworks, this thesis aims to confront the cumulative issues derived from surface parking on the American cityscape. These issues include water, air, and ground pollution, lack ...
  • Stockard, Jahlil (2023-05-09)
    Detroit’s affordable housing issues are mainly centered around availability. With the excessive amount of vacancy, the Milwaukee Junction neighborhood is a top candidate for redevelopment. This thesis explores ...
  • Babel, Simon Edward (2012-05-18)
    Hugh Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres is a celebrated work which belongs to the realm of rhetoric. It was used widely as a guide and text in rhetorical study and intellectual discipline during the nineteenth ...

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