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  • Carlisle, Katie; Casillas, Cinthya; Finet, David; Perry, Tammie; Thorn, Taylor (2023-01-18)
    The Team developed three implementation proposals that could assist the Jefferson Chalmers and Yorkshire Woods neighborhood, as well as other, similar neighborhoods in the city.
  • Trinka, Zachary David (2015-05-12)
    The purpose of this thesis will be to take a comparative look at the idea of forgiveness in two different traditions: Christianity and Buddhism. In order to keep the scope of the work both focused and manageable, we will ...
  • Nelson, Madison (2023-04-28)
    The Core City neighborhood, like many other neighborhoods in Detroit, is characterized by a vast number of single-family houses. However, many of these houses were destroyed during the 1967 Detroit riots, which left numerous ...
  • Spurlin, Nathan (2012-05-24)
    Western civilization is engulfed in a process of change that Max Weber identifies as “rationalization,” the infusion of scientific method, technological improvement, and rational management in all areas of society. An ...
  • Rapai, Cody (2012-05-18)
    William McDonough brought up in his book, Cradle to Cradle the idea to design for the “safety and well being of all children of all species for all time.” In the book, McDonough and his co-author, Michael Braungart, focus ...
  • Burgess, Kristen (2012-05-18)
    Architects and planners do not just design and place a building anywhere of their choosing. Cultural and environmental issues are among the key factors in the development of a design within a given city. The interests of ...
  • Holmes, Jason (2024-05-02)
    This investigation focused on the known relationship between fear and fortification, with fortification known as the instinctual response to a fear, either known or unknown. When examining the relationship that fear and ...
  • Wuollet, Kaija E. (2012-05-18)
    The economy is suffering. The job market is in a lull. Qualified college graduates are not able to find jobs. Many homes are in foreclosure, the largest individual investment for the average North American family. During ...
  • Melone, Mattia (2013-06-13)
    If you think about it, we may never understand a space by the intentions to which it is initially designed. We can read about what we are supposed to feel, or not feel. We can assume where we are supposed to look. And we ...
  • Cudnohufsky, Joel (2012-05-18)
    The use of technology in society today is creating many aspects of dealing with the spaces that we interact with. This is through the spaces that come about from the necessity of new program spaces coming from incorporating ...
  • Fragments 
    Maniaci, Jeffrey (2014-05-21)
    This book explicitly contains and displays nine months of conversations, making, doing, playing, thinking, design and process. It also implicitly displays four years of undergraduate exploration as well as twenty three ...
  • Doyle, Ryan (2012-05-18)
    Even though there is a new way of life with new technology, new people, and new materials, contemporary architecture should be linked with hints of the past, nature, and the people of the place in which it is being created. ...
  • Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) (2015-08-21)
  • Douglas, Scott; Gruber, Joe (2023-01-09)
    For this capstone, the Capstone Team engaged with the McDougall ‐ Hunt community on the east side of Detroit. This engagement resulted in the iden Ɵ fi ca Ɵ on of a problem and a commun ...
  • Holecek, Sister Mary Bettina S.S.N.D. (2012-05-18)
    Certain branches of scientific literary criticism have not advanced significantly in some two thousand years since Aristotle wrote his Poetics. Consequently, one result of the abundant critical activity carried on during ...
  • Hibbard, Kyle (2012-05-18)
    To design is to plan and fashion the form and structure of something artfully and skillfully. Design thus encompasses many fields and mediums, tapping architecture, furniture, objects, lighting, fashion, graphics, and more. ...
  • Beasley, Naomi (2012-05-24)
    This thesis explores the notion of “gam[-es|-ing] as a unique methodology|process that evokes a new interaction and relationship between people [the Detroiter, the non.Detroiter, and the Visitor] with the Detroit landscape. ...
  • Crume, Omari (2024-01-17)
    The task of this thesis is to reignite user engagement in public space by redesigning the public realm through the lens of a game designer. There were many designers who attempted to reinvent public space. Notably the ...
  • Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) (2015-08-21)
  • Hampton, Scott (2012-05-18)
    While there is much to see and do, the experience of Los Angeles as a city is very much fragmented. Rather than providing an easy transition from neighborhood to neighborhood, transportation serves as a barrier making it ...

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