Browsing Architecture Thesis Collection by Title

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Browsing Architecture Thesis Collection by Title

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  • Cole, Carli (2012-05-19)
    Throughout time – preceding constructed civilization – ritual has been a predominant part of life. Early Native American settlers danced around fires chanting rituals and expressing their emotional connection to the physical ...
  • Sucher, Brad (2012-05-19)
    The intention of this thesis is to investigate spatial relationships between architecture and spectacle. Generally speaking, spectacle refers to an event that is memorable for the appearance it creates. Guy Debord’s ...
  • Krygel, James Gerald (2012-05-19)
    What are the issues in issues of live/work and the thresholds that define that in-between space? It is the parts of the whole that start to create a process of movement that defines the idea of threshold; the steps one ...
  • Virgilio, Isabella (2024-04-30)
    This thesis's research aims to investigate how to connect people from suburban neighborhoods to city centers using public transportation. Tommy Gärling discusses the implementation of changes that promote public transit ...
  • Abdullah, Galal (2022-04-26)
    Urban vacancy is a continuing problem in many cities across the nation. Vacant lots greening helps improve neighborhood conditions and the opportunity to transfer vacant lots into valuable space in the neighborhood where ...
  • See, Mark (2012-05-19)
    The intent of this thesis is to propose that the world is experienced through a series of transitional elements that give way from one event to another. As objects/events begin to reveal themselves, a new set of circumstances ...
  • Kasebi, Shalaleh (2019-05-21)
    Through the analysis of a range of passive cooling strategies found in vernacular architecture from various arid climate zones, this investigation aimed to define a set of strategies that allow for the implementation of ...
  • Storm, Dean (2012-05-19)
    The design process is essential to creating meaningful architectural space. Through this sequence or cycle, creative surprises emerge. With the advent of digital media, perceptions of architectural space are being transformed, ...
  • Trash It 
    Strong, Da'Carla (2019-06-04)
    Waste management can help build communities and affects every urban dweller every single day. In U.S cities there is often a significant disconnect between public behavior and sustainable waste management practices. This ...
  • Lamfers, Heather (2020-09-09)
    Historic preservation is researched through the integration of modern elements to fully engage the users of the space. Sensorial architecture engages with historic concepts to create a new understanding of the past. ...
  • Meyers, Rachel-Yoon (2012-05-19)
    Structures that have sheltered us since the dawn of time have echoed the human anatomy. Architecture is often referred to as the human body. In accordance, we can summarize the success in architecture to be experience. In ...
  • Richards, Jennifer (2013-06-11)
    Annual retail sales in the United States stand at $4,307,531,000,000. While this is down from a high point in 2007, we are spending more than ever before. The average American spends 42% of their income on housing, 18% on ...
  • Tugon 
    Lazarte, Angela (2021-05-18)
    The Philippines is a country that experiences natural disasters frequently and faces destruction and casualties throughout the year. This thesis hopes to explore the different ways architecture can aid with these problems ...
  • Zelenak, Thomas (2013-06-13)
    Convention centers have been around for almost a century and a half, well at least the name has been, and from this they have evolved from structures that we would see as minor buildings into massive structures that are a ...
  • Barakat, Rafa (2017-06-16)
    The past few years have had a global refugee crisis. Historical events have proven to produce more refugees than the current disasters. So why are we facing the most overwhelming refugee crisis today? It is because most ...
  • Douglas, Courtney (2012-05-19)
    Humans are inherently spiritual beings. As humans we have found ways to express our spirituality, mainly through religion. The number and diversity of religions in the world has repeatedly sparked conflict. Many wars have ...
  • Minard, Kelly (2012-05-19)
    As we begin to renew and reuse abandoned sites and empty skeletons in urban areas throughout the world, we need to find ways to marry old and new architecture. They need to become one cohesive fabric with cooperation between ...
  • UnSeen 
    Williams, Morgan (2018-05-10)
    Architects have the privilege, the gift, the ability to define an experience for any given person. The spaces that are created influence perceptions, emotions and actions. Because of the affect personified by a designed ...
  • Giacco, Anthony (2012-05-19)
    History has shown that there are moments in time when a product, service or movement crosses a threshold and grows exponentially, like a contagious epidemic, from the smallest yet vastly important of influences or events. ...
  • Vereecke, Peter (2013-06-13)
    The Composition of a city is the direct product of ideas and habits that have been invented, reformed and re imagined over the course of a city’s existence. The size of a city is often limited to the amount of people that ...

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