Browsing Architecture Thesis Collection by Title

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Browsing Architecture Thesis Collection by Title

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  • Piotrowski, Nicholas (2012-05-18)
    What creates community, how is it defined, and by whom? Cities throughout time and space have hosted enclave neighborhoods that developed for the needs of specific communities, both organically and via societal systems. ...
  • Samoila, Luca (2013-06-12)
    Intuition and rationality are two distinct characteristics of human thought that create a way of perceiving the world around us. While at times these ideologies may seem at odds with each other, there are occurrences ...
  • Carvalho, Erica (2012-05-18)
    Cities are in a constant transformation mode, meaning they never stop. A city’s inner way of life, immediately re¬sponds and transforms to what is happening in the world at every second, may that be economically, socially ...
  • Lyon, Jake (2012-05-18)
    The Reactive City investigates architecture and the impact of doing architecture at the urban scale. Individual architectural projects are, for the most part, designed with the end users in mind, but at the urban scale, ...
  • Prouty, Matthew S. (2015-01-22)
    We live in an increasingly abstract, controlled and regulated world that uses systems of control that separate buildings through uses. This separation creates holes in the urban fabric of the built environment. This ...
  • Tuazon, Kiyone (2020-09-10)
    From the beginning of human life to present day, civilization and society has adapted based on the need for food. As social beings, people have created a tradition of gathering around food. As people have found easier, ...
  • Kijewski, Ashley (2012-05-23)
    If we recognize architecture as a built environment then we must also recognize it as a primarily static condition. Despite its affects on the present, architecture is primarily a response to the past. The past tense of ...
  • Krjewski, Ashley (2012-05-18)
    If we recognize architecture as a built environment then we must also recognize it as a primarily static condition. Despite its affects on the present, architecture is primarily a response to the past. The past tense of ...
  • D'Asti, Nicholas (2024-04-25)
    For over half a century, urban freeways have drastically transformed the urban landscape of cities across the world, especially in North America. With increased automobile dependence and the dawn of the 1956 Federal-Aid ...
  • Finney, Clifford Lucas (2012-05-18)
    "Today's houses may even be well planned, easy to keep, attractively cheap, open to air, light and sun, but - do the houses in themselves hold any guarantee that dwelling occ urs in them?" (Heidegger, 1971). Heidegger's ...
  • Hallal, Matthew (2013-06-12)
    Entertainment centers fuse a multitude of cultural aesthetics into one finite place, ultimately making fictional places for paradise. Resort destinations provide the guest with a variety of entertainment options for people ...
  • Detwiler, Robert (2012-05-18)
    The perception of a city as a defined, communal entity is becoming rapidly less apparent every day. New developments result from business owners and developers working to achieve their primary motive which is profit. This ...
  • Dunsmore, Bridget (2012-05-18)
    The evolution of time encourages change and diversity which often promotes both innovation and advancement. Many industrial cities including Detroit were once booming and full of life but as time moves on and advancement ...
  • Hardin, David (2012-05-22)
    Architecture is not outside of the laws of nature, yet architects design to do just that; defy the natural cycles and systems of nature. Nature should be seen as the model for everything that can be designed and constructed. ...
  • Hill, Blake (2012-05-18)
    Architects have largely avoided contingent, difficult factors. They design close-ended proposals that are envisioned to remain in pristine state after the building is constructed. Confined to the studio, these architects ...
  • Rogers, Patrick (2021-05-19)
    This thesis argues that the Mexican-American Border is defined by two essential structures: the physical barriers along the border and the influx of people trying to cross the border, and that re-imagining the liminal ...
  • Jackson, Le'Gary (2024-04-30)
    This thesis explores the pivotal role of incubator spaces in nurturing the growth of small businesses. Informed by extensive literature review, case studies, and stakeholder insights, the investigation delves into the ...
  • Lyons, Vincent T. (2013-06-13)
    The topic area for the thesis investigation shall be limited to the Fitzgerald Community. The focus of attention shall be on the internal end unique aspects of the community, rather than on those aspects that are of a ...
  • Gardiner, Aaron (2012-05-18)
    The intentions of a prison are not always compared on the same pedestrian level as the rest of the surrounding community, however there still exists a relationship between both entities. It is nearly impossible to understand ...

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