Heart disease continues to be a leading cause of death for men and women with smoking identified as a modifiable risk factors. The purpose of this DNP project was to improve smoking cessation rates with an in-hospital intervention that includes an innovative tool and a smoking cessation mobile application. The project used two theories to guide the project, Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM). The goal of this project was to implement an in-hospital smoking cessation program, integrate an online support system, assist the participant to develop an action/coping plan, and improve smoking cessation rates one month after discharge. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the number of participants for this project but despite not being able to obtain significant statistical differences between the participants, the process implemented change in patient care by implementing smoking cessation teaching, a trigger / coping plan, and integrating an online smoking cessation mobile application to cardiac surgery patients which was later expanded to include cardiac patients.