Browsing Architecture Thesis Collection by Title

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Browsing Architecture Thesis Collection by Title

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    Byrnes, Collin (2012-05-22)
    Our attitudes are shaped by our environments; our emotions, activities, and thoughts are affected by the surroundings in which we live. Individual personalities develop as a reflection of the environment in which they ...
  • Decker, Mollie (2013-06-12)
    Food and architecture are forever bound together when it comes to man’s survival. Today the connection is complicated by culture, industry, standardization, power, and monetary gain; but the connection between food and ...
  • Moore, Brian (2014-05-21)
    There is a problem of discussing experiences. In architecture, the result makes for a difficult critique or discussion of experiences in the built environment. Whenever style, form, function, or materials are called into ...
  • LeVasseur, Laura (2012-05-22)
    Architecture has the unique ability of being able to have a direct effect on the way people feel within a space. This idea is never more evident than in the design of healthcare spaces. Healthcare spaces are charged with ...
  • Hawarny, Michael (2012-05-16)
    It has been said that great architecture makes a statement. While some statements are open for debate, the basic premise of a building making a valid statement rings true for all good designers. With this initial design ...
  • Gladd, Rebecca (2024-08-16)
    Adapting the Narrative focuses on ways and methods to promote the option of adaptive reuse within the context of Detroit through policy and sustainability methods. Adaptive reuse sustains the value of a building through ...
  • Alsobrooks, Mark (2021-05-19)
    Adaptive Reuse takes many ideas from Historical Preservation with similar goals of preserving the nature and collective identity of an existing site. Using Historic Preservation as a basis for further understanding the ...
  • Duranovich, Sean (2022-05-16)
    The practice of adaptive reuse can shape views of the past and inspire visions of the future through expressions of memory and place as being transmitted through the users lived experience. Collective memory, sense of ...
  • Marshall, Jonathan (2012-05-16)
  • Dushane, Adam (2018-08-23)
    This thesis looks to explore a new way to in which stadiums are being designed. The idea is that the stadium will be reused after it is vacated by the franchise.
  • Vannoy, Anthony (2021-04-29)
    This thesis proposes the use of a Neighborhood Improvement Authority which is a local government entity that is created to help fund the stainability and growth of residential neighborhoods. Using this entity, the neighborhood ...
  • Cichowski, Sarah (2014-05-22)
    Abstract: Ur-ban [ur-buh n] adjective 1. Of, pertaining to, or designating a city or town. 2. Living in a city. 3. Characteristic of or accustomed to cities; citified: He is an urban type. Ru-ral [roo r-uh] ...
  • Morkos, George (2019-06-03)
    What Detroit needs most is affordable construction to be provided for low-income families and to encourage investors to want to invest in this type of project. Low-cost construction could also help reduce the overall ...
  • Black, Sarah (2017-04-26)
    This thesis engages in the discourse of historic preservation. The investigation analyzes the practice by several means. Understanding the different ways that preservation can be conducted is an important place to start, ...
  • Wilson, Natalie (2022-05-05)
    American suburbs are widespread and are designed mono-programmatically for mainly residential use. Decades after the creation of these suburbs, there is a growing realization that pedestrians should be taken into consideration. ...
  • Mistry, Bhavisha (2022-05-10)
    The purpose of this thesis is to generate a kindergarten classroom design that is not governed by the needs of a multipurpose classroom but instead, curating an integrated learning experience. This permits the learners to ...
  • Jaskiewicz, Spencer (2015-04-27)
    Today’s culture in the United States tends to focus on youth. This focus on youth has been to the detriment to other ages of the population, specifically the elderly. In many instances we have cast them away from society ...
  • McNamara, Drew (2012-05-21)
    Pattern carries with it nearly infinite definitions and interpretations. Every field of study has its own way of claiming patterns. For designers, patterns have enjoyed a recent renaissance, no longer relegated to mere ...
  • Stein, Catherine (2012-05-16)
    Detroit was taken over by a human made virus composed of industrial withdraw, military strategy and political policy half a century earlier that has resulted in abandoned, dilapidated, burned and vacant buildings consuming ...
  • Clark, Brandon (2018-08-23)
    Through the development of the urban setting, spaces are created to service the growing city. Over the course of urban development, those spaces fall out of use for a multitude of reasons: technological advancement, ...

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