Natural characteristics can be defined as those that have come from the earth, are untouched and can develop on their own accord. Cultural characteristics can be described as something that has some of the same qualities as nature but were made by some other force. Architecture being one cultural characteristic, it can be developed in a natural environment with some of the same traits that nature itself has. Although this may be true, architecture is made by man and cannot be natural. Architecture that is designed well can be placed into a natural environment and not alter the process by which the natural environment works. However, with a more substantial impact architecture can affect how nature works. The relationships between the natural and cultural environments are extremely strong. Architecture has yet to find a way to intertwine the design of the building with the landscape. The challenge is to develop a way for architecture not to change the process in which nature develops itself. Nature and culture although seem contradictory are linked together. Between this link there is a separation between them. This separation is made by a cultural idea that when cultural characteristics come into contact with nature that the progression of nature is altered. Since this is unwanted culture will separate itself by means of barriers or boundaries. These boundaries are put into place without any more thought other than to keep the two separated. No thought of specific place or characteristics that can be related back to the natural environment in which it is located. These barriers are universal and can be placed anywhere, the hot desert, the cold arctic circle, or even in the rainforest. The goal of this is not to keep the two divided but to explore, define, and invent new barriers for a specific location.