An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improve Care Transitions Through Standardized SDOH Assessment

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Show simple item record Floyd, Robyn 2021-08-10T16:55:09Z 2021-08-10T16:55:09Z 2021-08-10
dc.description.abstract Veterans diagnosed with serious mental illness (SMI) are faced with many dynamics and challenges of functionality within our communities. Veterans with SMI struggle to be “normal and fit in” within the societal definition of normalcy. SMI veterans are disadvantaged with coping mechanisms of daily life, yet strive to function, socialize and adapt within their communities, families, and relationships. More often, barriers to their functionality exist due to non-adherence and disengagement with treatment (Breslau et al., 2018). It is imperative that the inpatient psychiatric treatment team provide effective approaches with care transitioning as veterans discharge back to their perspective communities. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Social Determinants of Health, Collaboration, Coordination, Serious Mental Illness, Interdisciplinary en_US
dc.title An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improve Care Transitions Through Standardized SDOH Assessment en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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